The SponBIODIV project goes live!

SponBIODIV aims to establish a sponge diversity and distribution baseline knowledge and deliver tools to improve management and conservation of sponges across the Atlantic and Mediterranean.


SponBIODIV is an awardee of the 2021-2022 BIODIVERSA+ call, and aims to establish a sponge diversity and distribution baseline knowledge and deliver tools to improve management and conservation of sponges across the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and at levels (genes, species, habitats). On 13-14th of June 2023 took place the kick off meeting of the project in Leça da Palmeira (Portugal) in hybrid format, where all partners from the consortium met to discuss the future steps. During a the two day meetings we heard presentations on all partner’s institutions and workpackages, held a workshop on data standards and data management, stablished the DDOM Working Groups as well as outline and identified upcoming fieldwork activities, with up to 18 different surveys to happen in 2024! Stay tuned for more!

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