2021-2022 BIODIVERSA+ Kick-off meeting in Prague

On April 2023, Biodiversa+ organised the kick-off meeting of the research projects funded under the BiodivProtect research Call on "Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea"


On 19 April 2023 in Prague, Biodiversa+ organised the kick-off meeting of the research projects funded under the BiodivProtect research Call on «Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea», with the SponBIODIV being represented by Joana R. Xavier and Paco Cárdenas, our project’s coordinators.

The session included 3 keynote speakers, as well as short presentations from all 36 awardees, and offered a unique setting for the establishment of collaboration among them, all organized back-to-back with a science-policy forum on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) stablished on the COP 15 that took place in Montreal, Canada, in December 2022.

For more information on the kick-off and the science-policy forum, visit:

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